Friday, February 27, 2009

Environment Scene: Staircase

Here are some images of the basement level. I have added a few accessories along with changing the lighting. I still have to texture some more items and perhaps add a few more accessories. I am trying to keep the scene as low-poly as possible. It's coming along.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Environment Scene: Staircase

Here are some images of the staircase, I have added some furniture. I will post some more later in the week.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Environment Scene: Staircase

Here are some more images of the staircase scene.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Environment Scene: Staircase

Here are some images of the Staircase scene I had been working on. Along with the initial view of the staircase from the picture I also modeled what the lower level and upper level could look like. Here are the totals for the work completed:

Mesh file size: 1.28 mb
All textures size: 4.40 mb (5 mb limit, low-res-2048 X 2048)
Polygon count: 17,268 (30,000 limit)
Time of completion: 2 Weeks

Since I put a good amount of time into this scene I would like to add more items to it. I will do so over the next few weeks. Like any other scenes or items that I have worked on it seems like I could keep adding things onto it and still never be finished.

Environment Scene: Staircase

Over the past two weeks (from January 26 through February 9) I have been working on an environment scene that was supposed to be based on this picture. I was only supposed to create the environment and not the people in the picture.

The scene is now complete and I will post pictures soon.